In 2002, the glee club got the first prize in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Songs Contest.
2002年, 该团呼麦组合获自治区歌曲演唱大赛一等奖.
互联网Inner Mongolia is rich in meadow resources.
期刊摘选One New Genus and Four New Species of Grasshoppers from Inner Mongolia , China ( Orthoptera: Acridoidea )
内蒙蝗虫一新属四新种 ( 直翅目: 蝗总科 )
互联网Intrusions, especially Late Hercynian and Early Yanshanian intrusions , are widespread in Dongwuqi area , Inner Mongolia.
互联网In Gansu, Inner Mongolia set up production foundation.
公司在甘肃, 内蒙设生产地基.
互联网South Xiaozhaizigou of lamb, fur - selling such as and Tianjin and Inner Mongolia.
南小寨的羊肉 、 皮毛畅销京津和内蒙等地.
互联网Product sales network covering Beijing, Tianjin, Shanxi, Hebei, Inner Mongolia and other places.
产品销售网络覆盖北京 、 天津 、 山西 、 河北 、 内蒙等地.
互联网Maoduqing gold deposit occurred in the green schist and marble stratum belt of paleoprotozoic Inner Mongolia.
互联网Today, long suspension in January Huadian Inner Mongolia, and finally introduced a replacement plan assets.
今天, 停牌一月之久的内蒙华电, 终于推出了资产置换预案.
互联网Veterinary clinics number more than 200 in Inner Mongolia.
互联网Worker in a desert ropeway . West Inner Mongolia.
互联网I am a common peasant woman, who lives in Inner Mongolia.
我是一名普通的农民妇女, 家住在赤峰市大板镇金星村.
互联网Liqueur vaccinium developed by thE college have won a Scientific development prize from Inner Mongolia.
互联网The products not only sell well in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Jiangsu, Shandong, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, etc.
产品在北京 、 天津 、 河北 、 江苏 、 山东 、 山西 、 内蒙等地销售旺盛.
互联网Inner Mongolia is China's most abundant wind resources, power development potential of the region.
内蒙是我国风力资源最丰富, 风电开发最具潜力的地区.
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